Weight Loss Pills and Supplements To Avoid

Losing a significant amount of weight takes time, commitment, and discipline. In this day and age of instant gratification, many Americans do not want to watch what they eat and exercise for an extended period of time. Instead, they want weight loss NOW. For this reason, many people turn to over-the-counter weight loss pills and supplements to try to shed weight.
Many people who take diet pills may quickly learn the promises on the packaging were too good to be true. Others may even learn that the supplements they bought are dangerous for their health. The following are some example of weight loss pills and their potential side effects:
- Brazilian Diet Pills – These supplements were sold under names like Emagrace Sim and Herbaslim, however, are made from a dangerous combination of depressants and stimulants like Prozac, Librium, and Fenproporex. These pills can result in extreme changes in personality and mood, as well as hypersensitivity sensory issues.
- Clenbuterol – This can cause heart arrhythmia, hyperthyroidism, extreme blood pressure (low and high), chest pains, headaches, tremors in muscles, nervousness, and gastrointestinal issues.
- DNP – While no longer sold, Dinitrophenol is one of the most dangerous diet pills ever on the market and result in high body temperatures, cataracts, respiratory problems, lesions, and death in at least 60 users.
- Ephedrine – While ephedrine is no longer marketed as a weight loss drug as ordered by the FDA, many people still seek it for this purpose. It can cause increased risk of stroke or heart attack, arrhythmia, anxiety, dizziness, tremors, insomnia, and nausea.
- Fen-phen – A combination of Fenfluramine and Phentermine, Fen-phen caused a variety of severe pulmonary and cardiac problems.
- Meridia – The sibutramine in Meridia caused increased blood pressure and heart rate, depression, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, and gastrointestinal issues.
- Japanese “Rapid Weight Loss” Pills – These pills imported from Japan contain potential carcinogens and sibutramine, which is the dangerous ingredient in Meridia and can cause the side effects listed above.
- Qnexa – This drug combines other drugs used to quit smoking and to treat addiction to opiates. The side effects may include mood changes, metabolism issues, and damage to your heart valves.
When it comes to weight loss, if you are looking for safe supplements to boost your progress through diet and exercise, you should first consult with a trusted pharmacist who can recommend safe products. We currently offer several weight loss aides such as Crave Control and others to help battle the bulge.
Call 856-323-8723 or stop by today for more information.
At Kress Specialty Apothecary, we want our patients to be healthy and happy and we seek to find the best solutions for weight loss or any other desired results. Please stop in today or call us to discuss your needs with our pharmacists!