Compounding and Sports Medicine

Athletes of all ages can be injured during practice or competition – it is simply a risk of playing sports. However, sports also provide many benefits for a healthy and well-rounded lifestyle, so many athletes continue to take the risk of getting injured. When an injury occurs, it is critical to provide the most effective course of treatment so they can return to playing sports as soon as possible. Many treatment plans involve medication and compounded medication should be considered over commercial medication in many situations.
Every athlete is different with regard to weight, muscle mass, allergies or reactions to certain medications, and severity of injuries. Compounding allows a pharmacist to specifically tailor the combination of medicines, the dosage, and the best method of administration for the particular athlete and injury. What works quickly for one athlete will not necessarily work for another and compounding provides the opportunity to find personalized solutions for sports injuries.
Some examples of sports injuries that can be treated by compounding include:
- Joint injuries
- Pain relief
- Dehydration
- Athlete’s foot
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Hemorrhoids
- Malnutrition
- Electrolyte imbalances
- Muscle cramps
- Wounds
- Inflammation
- Tendinitis
Athletes commonly suffer from soreness and pain from overuse of their muscles and joints and working closely with a compounding pharmacist can help you recover faster after a practice or game so that you can continue to perform to the best of your ability.
Professional or college athletes are not the only ones who can benefit from compounding. Even recreational or novice athletes will experience pain or injuries after participating in a sport. Commercial medication may simply mask the pain and may not address the underlying problem. Our compounding pharmacists look for solutions to all of your health needs to provide the best possible overall treatment. We can also make suggestions for health products or weight loss supplements if losing weight and getting healthy is your overall goal for playing sports. For this reason, athletes do not have to wait until they are injured to explore how compounding can help them.
Call 856-323-8723 or stop by today for more information.
At Kress Specialty Apothecary, compounding gives us the ability to help you and your family in many aspects of your life. Whether we can compound a medication for your sports injury, skin condition, or advise you on supplements for your overall health, we are certain we can find solutions for you to live your best life. Please stop by our store or call us today.