For Children’s Medication, Taste Matters

It is difficult enough when you have a sick child to worry about, but when you cannot get your child to take the medicine they need, the situation becomes even more stressful. Whether it is a problem with the bitter taste, with swallowing a large pill, or with allergic reactions, many children have aversions to taking medicine. The stress of having a sick child is only compounded by the common problems associated with kids and medicine.
Kress Specialty Apothecary is here to help make caring for your child’s health easier. Pharmacy compounding combines the science of modern medicine with the art of customizing medications for the individual patient – your child. Because children’s taste preferences are as individual as they are, our compounding pharmacists are at your service with a host of agreeable flavoring options. They will work with your child’s preferences to create a flavor that helps the medicine go down. After all, it is far easier for children to tolerate medications with pleasant flavors like bubblegum and tasty berry than it is for them to handle the generic bitter flavor of most children’s medications.
Our compounding pharmacists, working closely with a pediatrician, can flavor-customize medications for your child’s conditions, including:
- Pain relief;
- Respiratory disorders;
- Strep throat; and
- Many other childhood illnesses.
Compounding can also help with your child’s medications in a variety of other ways. Many children have difficulty swallowing pills but a compounding pharmacist can render the medication in many different forms, including liquid, lollipops, topical gels, gummy treats, fizzy drinks, and many others that all provide the appropriate dosage in a palatable form. Additionally, commercially manufactured children’s medications often contain ingredients like gluten, soy, sugar, and dyes to which many kids are allergic or sensitive. Our pharmacists can sidestep those ingredients that adversely affect your child and personalize a formula that is right for your child’s treatment needs.
Contact Kress Specialty Apothecary about Your Child’s Medications Today
It is a fact of life that kids get sick. But when they do, you want to do everything you can to ease their discomfort and stress as easily and quickly as possible. Providing your kids with the medicine they need in a flavor they love is a great place to start. If you need help with your child’s medications, please visit Kress Specialty Apothecary in Barrington, New Jersey or give us a call today at 856-323-8723.