Cause & Effect: A Look at Hormonal Imbalance

The pre- and early menopausal years continue to wreak havoc on many women’s hormone levels, and the effects can be very discouraging. You might even feel as if you no longer enjoy life the way you once did. But there’s no reason that you have to white-knuckle it through this hormonal rollercoaster, help is available in the form of hormone replacement therapy in general and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy specifically.
What Does Hormone Imbalance Look Like?
Some women experience only very minor pre-menopausal changes, but other women can get hit hard by the hormonal imbalance of menopause. It’s definitely a mixed bag, and has to be considered on an individualized case-by-case basis. The symptoms of hormone imbalance, however, tend to be fairly consistent – they can range a great deal, however, in severity:
- Irregular periods that are often accompanied by cramps;
- Dreaded hot flashes;
- Night sweats;
- Lack of concentration;
- Inability to fall or stay asleep;
- Weight gain.
You don’t have to accept these symptoms at face value; you can fight back.
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Most hormones prescribed by doctors are concocted in a laboratory, and they almost all contain added chemicals in the mix, which allows each company to patent its own product. Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), however, uses natural hormones only, and they contain no added chemicals. BHRT is a natural and safer alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapies. Although synthetic hormone replacement therapies can provide significant relief, they can also harbor significant risks:
- Blood clots;
- Cancer;
- Heart disease; and
- High blood pressure.
BHRT doesn’t carry the same risk factors because bio-identical hormones travel through your body just like your own hormones do, and they aren’t altered by the addition of foreign substances, which can lead to chemical imbalances in your body.
For More information on Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement, Call 856-323-8723 or Stop by Kress Specialty Apothecary Today
BHRT can provide a safe and effective alternative to synthetic hormone replacement, and can help make you feel like you again. Contact one of our compounding specialists today by either stopping in our apothecary in Barrington, New Jersey or by giving us a call at 856-323-8723. We’ll work with your doctor to design and compound the most effective bio-identical hormone replacement therapy for you. It’s time that you enjoy your life to the fullest.