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Safe Medication Disposal Tips

Safe Medication Disposal Tips

If you open the average American medicine cabinet, it is not uncommon to see expired drugs or drugs that are no longer used regularly by their owner. Expired or unused drugs can pose a safety risk, particularly for people who have young children in the house. Unfortunately, many people are uncertain as to how to safely dispose of medications and, as a result, often keep old or unused medications in the home for months or even years.

In order to decrease the risk associated with keeping drugs in the home unnecessarily, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides consumers with tips regarding how to safely dispose of medications. Some of them include the following:

  • Check the medication’s label or patient information inserts to see whether there any instructions regarding disposal. If there are, follow them closely. Do not flush medications down the toilet or sink unless instructed to by the information accompanying the medication.
  • Many communities have programs allowing the public to take unused drugs to a specific location for disposal. You can call your local law enforcement agency to check to see if they have a drug take-back program that you may be able to take advantage of. In addition, concerned consumers can also contact their local recycling and trash collection service for more information about medication disposal options in the community.
  • Another way to safely dispose of used or expired medications is to transfer them to collectors registered with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Check to see whether your local retail, hospital, or clinic pharmacies are authorized collectors or have programs in place to take back unused drugs.

If there are no instructions regarding disposal accompanying your medications and you cannot find a take-back program in your community, the FDA recommends that you throw the drugs in your household trash while taking the following precautions:

  • Take the medication out of its original container and mix them with a substance that makes them undesirable to humans and animals, such as kitty litter, coffee grounds, sand, or dirt.
  • Place the mixture of drugs and whatever substance you have chosen to mix them with into a sealable bag, can, or other container to prevent it from leaking out of the trash bag.

Contact Kress Specialty Apothecary Today to Discuss Your Pharmaceutical Needs

At Kress Specialty Apothecary, we offer our customers personalized attention and services that you simply cannot find at the large retail pharmacy chains. To learn more about our services and products, please stop in or give us a call today.

Top 7 Questions to Ask your Pharmacist

Too many people simply accept and take prescription medications without actually knowing what they are taking, what the side effects may be, or whether they have any other options that may be better for their particular situation. You should never hesitate to ask your pharmacist questions just as you would ask questions of your physician. The following are some of the most beneficial questions to ask at the pharmacy:

Will my prescription interact with any other medications?
Your pharmacist can definitely take a close look at your prescription and identify whether it will have adverse reactions with any other medications you may be taking. It is important to make changes if a prescription may interfere with the effectiveness of another medication or cause a harmful interaction.

Will you have any allergic reactions to the medication?
Many people may not realize their medications contain certain ingredients to which they may be allergic, such as gluten. Our pharmacists can examine all ingredients and may even be able to remove, through compounding, certain ingredients without impacting the effectiveness of the medication.

Is there a generic option?
Generic options can save you a lot of money and can be just as effective. It is always worth it to explore whether a generic option is available.

What side effects should you expect?
Every patient should be fully informed of the potential side effects and risks of their medication so they can make an educated decision whether to take the medicine and plan ahead to treat certain side effects.

Will dietary supplements interact with your medications?
You may not realize that dietary supplements can affect your medication, but adverse reactions often occur. Discuss this with your pharmacist to make adjustments if needed.

Is there a better form of medication for me?
If you have difficulty taking pills or any other dosage form, discuss your options with your pharmacist. A compounding pharmacist can alter the dosage form to liquid, lollipops, and others to best suit your needs.

Are there solutions for my seasonal allergies or immunizations?
You may not think of a pharmacist for solutions to allergies or vaccinations, however, many pharmacists can help with both of these issues and more.

Kress Specialty Apothecary is a pharmacy focused on the well-being of each individual customer and patient. With our skills in drug compounding, we can specially design products and medications that are the best for you. For more information, please call us at 856-323-8723 or stop in today!