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A Guide to Topical Pain Relief

A Guide to Topical Pain Relief

It’s all too easy to reach for a pain pill, whether over-the-counter or prescription, when you are faced with a headache, toothache, or back pain. This can be a natural reaction because, of course, these medications can provide relief. But they can also have unwanted side effects with usage over extended periods. Recent studies also indicate that oral medications for… Continue reading A Guide to Topical Pain Relief →.

Traveling with Medications

Traveling with Medications

With the New Year in full swing, you may be in the process of planning a spring break getaway or even your annual summer family vacation. If you are like most people, when you think about planning a trip, you think about choosing a destination, making travel arrangements, choosing activities, and setting a budget. It is important to remember, however,… Continue reading Traveling with Medications →.

Compounding and Sports Medicine

Compounding and Sports Medicine

Athletes of all ages can be injured during practice or competition – it is simply a risk of playing sports. However, sports also provide many benefits for a healthy and well-rounded lifestyle, so many athletes continue to take the risk of getting injured. When an injury occurs, it is critical to provide the most effective course of treatment so they… Continue reading Compounding and Sports Medicine →.

Flu Season is Upon Us

Flu Season is Upon Us

If you’ve ever had influenza, or the “flu,” you understand that it’s much more serious than your average cold. The flu can cause extreme fatigue, fever, chills, and keep you from feeling like yourself for weeks on end. In severe cases, it can even land you in the hospital. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the… Continue reading Flu Season is Upon Us →.

Psychodermatological Disorders

Psychodermatological Disorders

There is no doubt that the way our skin looks and feels can affect our mood. On the other hand, our mood can certainly affect the condition of our skin. Both dermatologists and psychiatrists have long been trying to determine the ultimate cause of psychodermatological conditions and to determine the most effective way of treating these complex disorders. However, they… Continue reading Psychodermatological Disorders →.

5 Common Health Issues Men Can Avoid

5 Common Health Issues Men Can Avoid

It’s often been said that men have difficulties raising health concerns to their doctors, or taking their own health seriously, until they are hit with some sort of dangerous ‘wake-up call’. Traditionally seen as providers, it is important that men treat their physical well-being as serious as they do other issues in life.  To avoid issues getting out of hand,… Continue reading 5 Common Health Issues Men Can Avoid →.

Clearer Skin with Compounding

Clearer Skin with Compounding

Anyone who has ever struggled with unsightly acne, from the teenage years to beyond, knows how frustrating it can be to wake up day after day while trying all types of supposed cures with little result. However, there is still hope for even those with the most unforgiving of skin. Here are some of our best tips to clearing up your… Continue reading Clearer Skin with Compounding →.

Treating Your Pet’s Arthritis

Treating Your Pet’s Arthritis

While you may think that arthritis is a condition unique to humans, our furry friends struggle with joint wear and tear just like we do. Unfortunately, they are not able to tell us about their discomfort, so it is up to pet owners to determine whether their pets may be in pain. There are many indications that your dog, cat,… Continue reading Treating Your Pet’s Arthritis →.

Tips for Dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder

Tips for Dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder

For people with Seasonal Affective Disorder, the winter blues hit like clockwork. SAD is a form of depression triggered by the change in seasons, primarily causing depressive periods during the fall and winter and non-depressed periods during the warmer months. A blue mood can limit a person’s ability to live their lives to the fullest, function well at work, and… Continue reading Tips for Dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder →.

When There’s No Time for Breakfast

When There’s No Time for Breakfast

We have all heard the phrase ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’, and it is so unfortunately preached more than practiced among the average American household. Before you laugh that off, keep in mind that there are several scientific studies that link missing breakfast to a number of dangerous health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and obesity…. Continue reading When There’s No Time for Breakfast →.

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